This year ENVCC23 is host to a 3-hour (pre-conference) workshop on the compliance and enforcement (C&E) provisions in the new Natural & Built Environment Act 2023. Presenters Dr Marie Doole and Rob Dragten will answer the questions of what this means for practitioners and discuss how it can be implemented.
Join the discussion!
The compliance system is changing as a result of resource management reform. The new and updated C&E tools will be available under the RMA during the period of transition between the RMA and the NBA. The changes will be coming into force progressively from the date the Act came into effect (24th August 2023), to provide time for adaptation and to set in place the support mechanisms for the new tools.
The purpose of the new and revised tools and powers is to address some of the challenges identified in the Randerson Report and in the early stages of reform. Part 11 of the NBA contains all the C&E provisions from the RMA, along with new or expanded C&E tools and powers to support increased deterrence, more flexible intervention, and the ability for councils to recover more costs associated with their C&E activities.
This workshop will address two questions; what the changes are and how will they be implemented. It will break down the details of the new and revised powers, tools and sanctions. It will also provide insights from those who have developed these provisions on how they are intended be used in practice. This is an opportunity for discussion and those important questions on their application.
Wednesday 1 November
2 - 5pm
Chaired by Amanda de Jong
Click here to download the full programme

Dr Marie Doole
Principal Advisor: Regulatory Strategy & Stewardship, Mfe
Dr Marie Doole is Principal Advisor: Regulatory Strategy & Stewardship. Her role is charged with leading the introduction of the Natural and Built Environment Act's new compliance regime. Marie has a background in environmental science and law and has expertise in regulatory implementation, particularly of environmental statutes such as the RMA. Marie has worked at the interface of policy and compliance throughout her career in various guises, including in local government, the NGO sector, consulting and most recently in assisting in the establishment of the Ministry for the Environment's Waste Operations function.

Rob Dragten
Principal Analyst: Regulatory Practice and Compliance, Mfe
Rob Dragten is a Principal Analyst: Regulatory Practice and Compliance at the Ministry for the Environment. His role is to support the implementation of good regulatory practice across the Resource Management system, with a particular focus on compliance and enforcement practice. Rob has earth and geosciences qualifications and has worked across resource management compliance and enforcement practice for the past 25 years. His experience spans regional government, consulting, and since 2021, supporting the Ministry for the Environment’s Policy Implementation Division.