While the obvious victim of environmental offending is the environment, contraventions of the RMA and other legislation can also have a very direct and lasting impact on individuals and communities, and compliance officers often find themselves in the tricky position of simultaneously managing the regulatory response and community expectations.
This seminar offers practical guidance on how to engage with individuals and communities that are impacted by environmental crime and will cover topics including:
How to identify victims of environmental offending.
The role of the victim in enforcement and compliance processing, including prosecutions.
The responsibilities of compliance officers under the Victims' Rights Act 2002.
Communicating with victims: what to do and what not to do.
Restorative justice processes.
Victim impact statements and reparation.
Managing victim expectations through prosecutorial processes.
We will also discuss recent decisions involving both regional and territorial authorities in which the individuals and communities impacted by the offending played a critical role in the Court's findings and the penalties imposed.
Friday 3 November
Click here to download the full programme

Jade Magrath
Senior Associate, Rice Speir Limited
As an experienced litigator who represents our clients in environmental, resource management and local government law cases, Jade puts people first. She is quick to get to the heart of a problem and, once there, knows how to work alongside others to identify smart solutions. Having acted for many councils around the country, Jade is well placed to assist our clients with making difficult decisions and giving effect to them in a justifiable way.

Katia Fraser
Special Counsel, Rice Speir Limited
Katia has extensive experience in all phases of regulatory law including planning, property development, natural resources and infrastructure approval. She has represented a wide range of interests and uses her broad range of experience to ensure that clients’ needs are met and risk is appropriately managed. The bulk of Katia's work experience has involved assisting and advising councils under local government legislative (eg RMA, LGOIMA, LGA, PWA).