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The role of the EPA

Working with councils

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Taskforce was created last year to focus on water quality across the country.

It has several powers and functions under the RMA and can support councils with investigations and prosecutions.

I will outline how the Taskforce works, our processes, and how we can support regional and district councils. 

I will share examples of work we have carried out alongside councils – and debunk some Taskforce myths.


Friday 3 November



Jackie Adams
Taskforce and Investigations Manager, Environmental Protection Authority


Jackie Adams is the Taskforce and Investigations Manager for the Environmental Protection Authority. Born and raised in Ireland, he served with the Police in the UK before joining the New Zealand Police. He was a detective in Auckland, Waikato and Tasman. Jackie was the Regulatory Manager for the West Coast Regional Council before joining MBIE as the National Compliance Manager, then the Privacy Commission as the Enforcement Manager. 


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