Moving forward together
A collaborative approach to achieving improved environmental compliance outcomes in the three waters sector.
Compliance with Resource Consents and environmental regulations is fundamental to achieving positive environmental outcomes. However, in an ever-changing environment where regulatory and financial pressures on service providers are increasing, regulators and service providers working together and not apart has proven to be a key principle in the CME process. This session will showcase how the collaborative approach between the Dunedin City Council and Otago Regional Council has led to improved environmental compliance outcomes in the three waters sector, focusing on examples where CME action has been a driver for both relationship building, and for building innovative infrastructure. We will look at the how the CME role is viewed between the agencies, and within a wider context, and discuss how taking an open and collaborative approach has created a strong working relationship that focuses on achieving and maintaining positive outcomes.
Thursday 28th Nov
1:50pm - 2:20pm
Click here to download the full programme
Eve Aitken
Senior Environmental Officer, Otago Regional Council
Bio will be available soon.
Scott Campbell
Regulation and Policy Team Leader - 3 Waters, Dunedin City Council
Scott leads the Dunedin City Council’s 3 Waters Regulation and Policy Team. The team is responsible for coordinating DCC’s compliance with both environmental and drinking water regulatory requirements, as well as partner and stakeholder relationship management in relation to three waters activities. The team also provides three waters policy advice and coordinates DCC inputs into RMA policy-making and consenting processes.