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The Environmental Compliance Conference is two full days of practical learning, walking tour, exhibition and workshops from renowned experts, focused on practical and tactical solutions to compliance problems and opportunities in New Zealand.

The 2021 Environmental Compliance Conference brings together local government officers with the opportunity to connect with some of the leading minds in the compliance world - to hear the views of experienced peers, exchange ideas, review best practice, learn from case studies and catch up with their colleagues.

With a focus on the latest practices, tools and strategies from leading industry experts, we aim to deliver practical knowledge and expertise on how to be more effective, efficient and up to date on Environmental Compliance in NZ. We’ll explore next generation compliance tools, improving environmental performance, theories, innovations and practical applications in a New Zealand context.

Presentation topics will be structured within four key themes and attendees will be able to select which sessions they wish to attend. We are specifically seeking presenters who can address the following key 4 themes:

  • Compliance and Enforcement: The rules have changed, but have we? We want to investigate everyday monitoring issues facing compliance professionals and how we approach them, as well as how we incorporate Mātauranga Maori into compliance and enforcement. We’re keen to analyse case studies, look at lessons learned and relevant legal advice.

  • Compliance Innovations: How do we break ground without using last century’s spade? Let’s explore emerging technologies, out of the box collaboration and partnerships, relating to health and safety and risk assessments.

  • Legislation changes: When is a wetland not a wetland, when is a dam not a dam? From the ground up – how are we managing the large number of changes – how are organisations adapting to the changes and challenges presented with RMA Reform, NES-FM, 3 Waters Reform and Dam regulations?

  • Pollution Prevention and Incident Response: How do we reduce the number of ambulances at the bottom of the cliff? Let’s consider Kaitiakitanga, educating for pollution prevention, evidence gathering and community liaison and engagement – driving behaviour change through closer collaboration with community groups.

Objectives of the Conference


Foster the professional development of compliance officers

Learn about best practice from recognised experts

Encourage professional debate within the sector

Address key issues through practical case studies

Hear the views of key stakeholders

Who Should Attend 


Officers and team leaders from Regional, District and City Councils are invited including:
· Front Line Compliance Officers
· Enforcement Officers
· Incident Response Officers
· Pollution Prevention Officers
· Compliance Managers
This Conference may also be of interest to Planners, Resource Consent Officers and Central Government.


“Was most impressed by the keynote speakers! The content was relevant, training/refresher element and pier experiences was valuable.”

“Loved the diversity of presentations!”

“The conference was varied and addressed a large proportion of the audience interests”

“The conference was really helpful! Since we got to choose what presentation we went to, we could all benefit”

“The content was great. The range of content appealed to all aspects of my job”

“The gala dinner was spectacular in the cardboard cathedral and Kilmarnock presentation was really moving. The opening night function was great as well, easy to meet and talk to people and a good way to start connections not only for the duration of the conference but also for future compliance advise from external agencies”

“It was a really great experience with a lot of take away learnings”

“Excellent conference, would highly recommend to other people”

“Fantastic! I will be keen to come again and I have encouraged others in my team to come next year”

“This was by far the best conference I have been to. The keynote speakers were outstanding! Well done”

“Excellent experience and good value for money”

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors:

PO Box 106481
Auckland City 1143

Ph: +64 9 520 6277

Environmental Compliance Conference 

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